The MTC Is Much More Than An Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament

The Milwaukee Tennis Classic started with the joint vision of Al McGuire and Chas Mulcahy to create a national intercollegiate men’s and women’s tennis event which would place Marquette University on the national tennis map and provide major community outreach including encouragement and support for the underserved.

As the only national intercollegiate men’s and women’s tennis tournament held over the end of year holidays; and, with the remarkable Milwaukee Auditorium as the venue for the tournament finals, MTC became an overnight success bringing players from all over the U.S. in the cold of winter to compete.

During the first five years, MTC singles champions came from USC, Princeton, Oklahoma, Memphis State, Southern Methodist, Florida, UCLA and Clemson. From the start, MTC provided housing for all of the players. 3,200 people came to the finals one year creating an electrifying atmosphere in the Milwaukee Auditorium

Fulfillment of the vision of community outreach and engagement evolved steadily. Within a few years, MTC set up its first scholarship program for young people in underserved areas based on academics, proficiency in tennis, leadership and community service. Rev. Richard McGarrity, S.J. of Marquette University became the initial scholarship committee chair and served in that capacity for 23 years.

MTC also encouraged a competitive but positive atmosphere during matches. To emphasize this commitment, MTC in 1980 established the Charles C. Mulcahy Sportsmanship Award given annually “to the young man and young woman competing in the tournament who demonstrate meaningful and significant sportsmanship to serve as a role model not only for the tournament, but also for the sport of tennis.”

MTC also reached out again to the underserved community by creating “Lunch at the Classic” to bring young people To the tournament to enjoy the matches, meet the players and coaches, receive the tournament program and MTC T-shirt; and, enjoy a Cousins subs lunch consisting of the sub, chips, cookie and water.

MTC joined forces with the newly created Al Hurvis/ADAMM Education Foundation founded by Tom Hurvis and Chas Mulcahy to honor Tom’s father and the mentor of Chas, Al Hurvis. Jim Tolkan, president of the Automotive Dealers of Mega Milwaukee (ADAMM) endorsed the legacy of Al Hurvis immediately and became engaged and supportive.

Hurvis/ADAMM provided significant additional funding to establish a joint scholarships endowment with MTC. As of 2023, multiple scholarships were established including ADAMM, Bernice & Clinton Rose, Richard A. McGarrity, S.J., Al Hurvis, Heiser, Hurvis/ADAMM, Denny Schackter, Jack Hill and Fred Kasten. Scholarships continue to be awarded to Milwaukee Area Technical College and other technical colleges in the area. The selection process is entirely staffed by volunteers with a volunteer scholarships selection committee.

As co-founder Chas Mulcahy entered his twilight years, there was a need to provide a transition plan. Director David Frank developed and recommended the plan. No one wanted to commit to a lifetime similar to Chas so David proposed three successors, Kurt Janavitz, David R. Frank and Christina Gilbertson to serve consecutive two year presidential terms commencing January 1, 2022. Chas moved to Chairman and totally endorsed the transition. Janavitz, Frank and Gilbertson committed to carry on the traditions and mission of the MTC.


MTC Continues Partnership


The 2023 MTC Exhibition